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Kelly Diaz ~ MyTPen

My Journey with Multiple Myeloma

Welcome to MyTPen, where you will find poetry, essays, and a personal account
of what it's like to go through treatment for Multiple Myeloma.

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Waiting for the Sunshine

We've been stuck in a cold, rainy weather pattern for several days now. The kind that hangs a curtain of humidity in the air so heavy...

A Note to Keep in Touch

A few friends have inquired about me via email or text – thank you! – so I thought I would write a quick update and send a selfie or two....

The Least of These

Intertwined with the tropical beauty around us and the gracious hospitality of our hosts, there were constant reminders of the...

He's Gone Again

There is an abiding comfort a mother feels in those moments when she knows her child is safe and snug in his bed. That he is no longer a...

Now I'm Confused

Here’s a new term for you: Minimal Residual Disease, or MRD. During my May visit with Dr. Joudeh, he told me how pleased he was that my...

Backdrop to Inspiration

It’s been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. Every time I sat down with my computer to write, I felt overwhelmed by the jumble...

Hair today, gone tomorrow

I thought I would share a quick update about my hair...which I hate. That’s an awful thing to say, I know. I should be thankful I have...

A Quick Update

Yesterday I saw a neurosurgeon, Dr. Charles Wolff, to whom I was referred by Dr. Joudeh. It was actually my second visit to his office. ...

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Kelly Diaz

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Kelly Diaz

Navarre, Florida

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Romans 8:38-39

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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Navarre, Florida

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