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Kelly Diaz ~ MyTPen

My Journey with Multiple Myeloma

Welcome to MyTPen, where you will find poetry, essays, and a personal account
of what it's like to go through treatment for Multiple Myeloma.

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Waiting for the Sunshine

We've been stuck in a cold, rainy weather pattern for several days now. The kind that hangs a curtain of humidity in the air so heavy...

The Least of These

Intertwined with the tropical beauty around us and the gracious hospitality of our hosts, there were constant reminders of the...

He's Gone Again

There is an abiding comfort a mother feels in those moments when she knows her child is safe and snug in his bed. That he is no longer a...

Amor Fati

A little Latin phrase with the meaning of “love your fate.” It appears simple, as long as fate or fortune is in our desire or favor, I...

The Ultimate Reality of Life

Pain. In the unconscious state of a dream, I felt it – the throbbing in my right elbow. As I talked to someone known to me only in this...

Memento Mori

Remember Death This little phrase, seemingly morbid to some, can really be a game changer for the life we get to live every day. For me,...

Coming Together

Patience. Waiting. Relaxing and letting go. That was what I needed to do. I knew it, too. This morning it all began to come together. As...

Post-Transplant Day 2

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God. For all people...

Zero Hour

I didn’t go to the Stephenson Center last Friday to have my CVC flushed. Instead, after the postponement of my admission on Tuesday due...

Why I Blog

Written Wednesday, 19 May 2021 If you’re reading this now, we are kindred spirits, and I thank you. Recently I had a loved one tell me in...

Nothing Day

Today I find myself in unfamiliar territory—an unplanned day, or as the title suggests, a “nothing day.” I had nothing planned for today...

Apheresis Day

The dark clouds in the Oklahoma sky threatened to let loose a deluge upon us at any moment all day yesterday but never delivered on the...

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Kelly Diaz

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Kelly Diaz

Navarre, Florida

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Romans 8:38-39

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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