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Kelly Diaz ~ MyTPen

My Journey with Multiple Myeloma

Welcome to MyTPen, where you will find poetry, essays, and a personal account
of what it's like to go through treatment for Multiple Myeloma.

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Brodie and John

I need to tell you about this special animal and how much he means to his family, but especially to John.

Random Thoughts - Volume I

24-26 April, 2021 Every morning when I look in the mirror, the periorbital condition under my eyes, commonly referred to as dark circles,...

Definitely a Monday

Sometimes I don’t have answers. Sometimes I don’t know what questions to ask. Monday, 19 April, was one of those days.

Beneath the Deep Blue

As John and I entered the VA Clinic in Pensacola on Thursday, 25 March 2021, at 9 a.m., I was filled with optimism about his visit with...

The Stranger in the Mirror

At this point, I am not inclined to post pics of my new hairstyle. Perhaps by the time I finish writing this post, I’ll be predisposed...

Entertaining Angels

In my heart I know Samson is a pure spirit, and his affection for me is genuine and, obviously, unconditional.

In the Realm of Prayer

When this life is overwhelming When calm seas churn into storms When I’m cast about in mayhem When light fades and dark clouds form...

The Fate of the Republic

Frost blankets the brown winter grass, Light fog drifts over the bay. The dreary gray that lingered so long Now yields to a brighter day....

Read This

September 17, 2020 It’s not just a cliche. America really used to be great. At least many of us felt so—growing up loving it in so many ways

The Reason for My Hope

A server with a tray of sizzling fajitas hoisted onto his shoulder passed my table as I sat and waited for my friend, who had been...

The Day of Surrender

“I remember glancing to my left at John wondering if he was thinking the same thing I was. "Oncologist" means only one thing, and the...

And so we begin...

Recently I learned that I have multiple myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells in my bone marrow. Considering my family history, the...

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Kelly Diaz

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Kelly Diaz

Navarre, Florida

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Romans 8:38-39

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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