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Kelly Diaz ~ MyTPen

My Journey with Multiple Myeloma

Welcome to MyTPen, where you will find poetry, essays, and a personal account
of what it's like to go through treatment for Multiple Myeloma.

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A Note to Keep in Touch

A few friends have inquired about me via email or text – thank you! – so I thought I would write a quick update and send a selfie or two....

Now I'm Confused

Here’s a new term for you: Minimal Residual Disease, or MRD. During my May visit with Dr. Joudeh, he told me how pleased he was that my...

A Quick Update

Yesterday I saw a neurosurgeon, Dr. Charles Wolff, to whom I was referred by Dr. Joudeh. It was actually my second visit to his office. ...

Process of Elimination

Maybe it's the chemo... On my last visit to Dr. Joudeh on November 24th, I again complained about the pain. I hate the word "complain." ...

More Than Skin Deep

Good news! The PET scan was clear! The “lesion” that showed up in the MRI was likely an old one or possibly scar tissue, according to...

Time to be Radioactive Again

On Tuesday, I will have a full-body PET scan. I’ve had one before, almost exactly a year ago. The purpose of the scan will be to “light...

The Ultimate Reality of Life

Pain. In the unconscious state of a dream, I felt it – the throbbing in my right elbow. As I talked to someone known to me only in this...

Not Feelin' It

Saturday, 11 August 2021 So many friends have emailed, phoned, or texted me in the last several weeks, and I appreciate it so much. I've...

Coming Together

Patience. Waiting. Relaxing and letting go. That was what I needed to do. I knew it, too. This morning it all began to come together. As...


This past week was the most difficult of my life. It has changed me, literally at the cellular level. Over time, I know I will grapple...

Post-Transplant Day 9

It’s been a little rough these past few days, but nothing—I repeat, NOTHING—like we anticipated. As long as I have the energy to, say,...

Post-Transplant Day 4

The gray shroud that hid the dome of the Oklahoma capitol building early this morning faded back a little to the north, but the dreary...

Post-Transplant Day 2

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God. For all people...

Transplant Day - Day Zero

Before the liquid Benedryl in my IV drip hits, I wanted to let everyone know that the stem cell transplant has begun and is almost over....

Zero Hour

I didn’t go to the Stephenson Center last Friday to have my CVC flushed. Instead, after the postponement of my admission on Tuesday due...

Apheresis Day

The dark clouds in the Oklahoma sky threatened to let loose a deluge upon us at any moment all day yesterday but never delivered on the...

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Kelly Diaz

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Kelly Diaz

Navarre, Florida

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Romans 8:38-39

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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