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Writer's pictureKelly Diaz

Addressing the Lies – A Forewarning

It's long overdue.

A few years ago, I purchased a book by Albert Mohler, Jr., the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The book is titled, We Cannot Be Silent. The title alone inspires me to cast off doubts and extinguish excuses that have sabotaged me in the past, stifled thoughts and words that will no doubt be seen as controversial and even "hateful" by some. I won't apologize for offending those who may see some of what I write as objectionable, and I understand I may even lose friends. But for now, we enjoy the freedom of speech that allows us to speak the truth loudly and mightily. You have an equal right, if you are offended, to protest at the top of your lungs or simply not read messages you find disagreeable.

Following is a list of some of the lies that have become pervasive in our country today that I plan to address on this blog in the coming days:

  • America is a racist nation.

  • The police are overwhelmingly white supremacists who want to kill black people and especially young black men.

  • Gender is "fluid." You can choose your gender or there are more than two genders.

  • Two men or two women (or more than two) can be married.

  • Marriage is not an institution of society.

  • Marriage is not defined as a union between one man and one woman.

  • Men can be women and women can be men.

  • Gun restrictions save lives and lower crime.

  • Guns kill people.

  • A fetus is not a human being.

  • Adoption is not a realistic alternative to abortion.

  • Health care is a right.

  • America is not an exceptional nation.

  • Truth is relative.


That is enough to get started.

You may ask, "Why are you choosing to write about such controversial topics?" I do so because what is at stake – our American way of life – is far too precious to allow these and other insidious lies to destroy it, and that is what will happen if too many of us who know the truth remain silent. I've said before that the day is coming when we will be forced to take a stand, either because our livelihoods or our loved ones are threatened or because we finally realize that our very way of life is on the brink of extermination, because it is. You may think that you can insulate yourself by avoiding the topics, not reading or listening to mainstream media propaganda or educating yourself on how to combat their false messages, but you do so at your own peril.

Even as I contemplate converting this draft into a published post, I feel a queasiness in the pit of my stomach. I have always cared a great deal about what people thought of me, especially when their perceptions were based on misunderstandings or outright lies. I wanted desperately to be understood because, with all of my faults, I am a good person and my intentions have always been sincere and honorable. When I think about those who have truly suffered persecution or were murdered because they dared to stand for the truth, I realize the discomfort I feel is merely a passing sensation that will be gone in a moment's time. I wish there was an easy, gentle way to say what needs to be said. There was a time I might have tried to be diplomatic and subtle, but equivocation is for the timid, and I must answer to my better self, a higher calling, a noble path that leads out of the morass of falsehoods and deceptions we have accepted little by little by not taking action and not standing for the truth...

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

~ Jesus Christ (John 8:32)

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Leonard Youngblood

Extremely strong opening! You listed outstanding talking points.

Where are your insights? Are they found in other posts?

Kelly Diaz
Kelly Diaz

Yes, some are. A few related posts are "A World Upside Down" and "Moral Confusion ~ A Decent Into Insanity." I have other drafts that I'm working on...just need to get them finished and posted. I can tell you I have no lack of inspiration!

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