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Writer's pictureKelly Diaz

Silent No More

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

The following narrative is political in nature. The subject is one of the most troubling ones to occupy my thoughts over the past several years, and particularly the recent months, but I understand if it's not your cup of tea. I would appreciate your feedback, whatever it might be, positive or negative.

A few days ago, I downloaded all of my content on my Facebook page and then permanently deleted my account. If you’re accustomed to contacting me via Messenger, that will no longer be possible. Most of you can text me, if you’re inclined, and of course, you can message me here on or send me an email at

Last week I canceled my DirecTV service too. It was ridiculously expensive, especially considering that I watch only a few channels consistently. I couldn’t justify the expense, and I need to downsize as much as possible anyway. AT&T gets altogether too much of my money every month. I could buy a brand-new Lexus for what I was paying them including cell phones. But the main reason is the same as my motivation to cancel Facebook—the overwhelming negativity, misinformation, and censorship. I’m going to do what my sons have told me I should have done a long time ago—pay small fees to stream the few channels that I enjoy watching.

I am certainly not alone, nor am I the first to abandon Facebook or cable or satellite television, and my reasons are probably the same or similar to those of my friends who have deleted their accounts or taken a break. Sad thing is, even the well-meaning efforts of some cause me to shake my head in discouragement.

I’ve grown cynical, and it’s a daily struggle sometimes to focus on positive things. I would like for you to imagine that we are sitting across a table from one another talking about these things, and you are sharing your perspectives with me on the chance that it might give me a more positive outlook because right now things are pretty darn bleak.

Those who know me know that I am staunchly conservative. My values and beliefs, the principles I live by, the religious positions I hold as truth, the patriotic and political views I champion—all are based on conservative ideals. Those will never change. They are based on truth, and truth is not subjective. When we as humans see grey areas, I believe in some cases it is because we have not evolved to a level of wisdom and discernment to see the whole, pure truth. Our eyes are clouded by our own limitations and inadequacies. We are weak and vulnerable to persuasive arguments that use subtle coercion or blatant manipulation in attempts to weaken our resolve or at least shut us up. These attempts are surprisingly effective, and that is what I find so terribly disheartening.

I’ll give you one example among hundreds.

There is no legitimate science that can logically conclude that there are more than two genders. I use the term “gender” interchangeably with “sexes,” because in the days before some asserted that gender is "fluid," there were only two sexes: male and female. Every tenet of true science confirms there are still only two genders, and there will always be only two genders, no matter how strenuously human beings assert otherwise or what some choose to put on a newborn’s birth certificate.

In this and similar matters, those who disagree use the tactic of labeling, among other things, to dissuade this type of reasoning. Conservatives like me are labeled as bigots and homophobes, close-minded and backward-thinking cretins. They lump us in with fanatics driven by hatred and violence, two more tactics, even though we would never condone such behavior, let alone participate in them. Other ploys include suppressing the truth through censorship, something formats like Facebook and Twitter are actively engaged in.

I cannot in good conscience participate in or support such activities.

I don’t hate someone because he subscribes to a different belief or set of values. I may not personally approve of someone’s lifestyle, and I may even find it to be abhorrent, but unless they personally attack me, I will always treat them with the same courtesy, kindness, and respect that I do my like-minded friends.

Recently when I was perusing the posts on Facebook, I saw a few well-meaning ones that encouraged us to take heart because “God is in control.” It is this point about which I would truly appreciate hearing from some of you who are willing to share your perspectives. If you don’t want everyone who subscribes to my site to see what you say, please send me an email.

Again, if we were sitting across the table from one another, I would tell you that, while I believe God is ultimately in control, I do not believe He intervenes in human affairs. I do not believe in modern-day miracles. I believe miracles ceased with the death of the apostles. I know there are truly unbelievable things that have happened that may seem like miracles. Perhaps they are, but I rather believe they are simply beyond our ability to comprehend, at least for now.

But this notion that we shouldn’t be concerned about events that are seemingly beyond our control—like the outcome of the Presidential election or whether our elected representatives in Washington are actively engaged in unethical and often illegal activities—because “God is in control,” well, I simply don’t subscribe to that strategy. Please don't get me wrong. I in no way disparage the power of faith through prayer. But faith without action is useless (James 2:19-21). As the Apostle James wrote, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." The message to us from Jesus Christ and His apostles throughout the New Testament is that Christians would suffer persecution. We would also be in the minority—always. We are travelers on the “narrow road” to the “narrow gate.”

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

Also consider these:

“In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 7:13-14

“We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.” I John 5:19

“…in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.” Ephesians 2:2

The prince of the power of the air, Satan, has been very busy and very successful. He knows where to concentrate his efforts, too. He is present in the places of highest power—the world governments, including our own. He is entrenched in the places of greatest influence: Hollywood and the media. He feeds the masses lies every day, and the masses blindly and inexplicably swallow every one. He uses disgusting tactics like hypocrisy and pretense. There is no justice. There is no accountability. There is only chaos and turmoil.

One of the most ludicrous examples of the misinformation and lies was Don Lemon's rant this week about anyone who supports President Trump being pro-Ku Klux Klan, pro-Nazis, alt-right, and approving of slavery and bigotry. It is yet another example of labeling more than 74 million people who voted for Trump as reprobates. The result is often silence from the accused because most people don't bother to challenge such nonsense, and after a while, so many believe it that a person who dares to defend himself is maligned, fired from their job, or worse. Who can blame anyone for wishing to avoid such vehemently hateful and dishonest backlash? Lemon is either intentionally misleading people or he is completely ignorant of history. Of course, current generations as well as future ones will no doubt read a version of history that is filled with such deceptive garbage and take it as gospel truth.

We are headed down a terrible path, and I can hardly stomach the lies I see in the headlines and even less, association with those who have allowed themselves to be deceived so readily by them. How does one even begin to reach them? I realize this is the very essence of the divided country in which we live today, but I see no reconciliation, no compromise, no unity with such divergent paths. Moreover, I see it as light against darkness; good against evil; truth against lies.

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Satan? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?” 2 Corinthians 6:13-15

This is why I deleted my Facebook account and canceled my television service. I don’t want to see the videos of the swamp creatures in Washington wasting our money in hateful, worthless pursuits instead of doing the jobs they were hired to do: working to make this country better. I don’t want to hear the lies repeated ad nauseam and see those who deal in immorality continue to prosper while those who live righteously suffer. I’m tired of feeling helpless to do anything about it. Most of all, I’m tired of remaining silent.

I will be silent no more.

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2 comentarios

Kelly Diaz
Kelly Diaz
20 ene 2021

Thanks, Cousin. That’s good to know.

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18 ene 2021

Very well written my dear!

You are not alone!🥰

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