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Writer's pictureKelly Diaz

What Are the Long Term Goals of the Democrat Party?

Updated: May 26

thank you for saving everyone the time of watching MSNBC. I think you hit all the talking points. You are absolutely right about the long term goals and objective of the Democrat party. But I wonder why you stopped short by calling it a "fully functional socialist democracy" instead of what it truly is—Socialism. Anyone who has studied history knows there is no such thing as a "fully functional" socialist democracy, at least as far as it concerns the good of the people. Socialism serves only the small group of elites who are in control of everything: the economy, education, property ownership, social programs that offer so-called “equity” to everyone but serve only to create total dependence on the elite governing body. Take a look at some of the societies where socialism has failed: the Marxism-Leninism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Nazi Germany, the Maoism of Communist China, the Chavez-Maduro socialism of Venezuela.

...I say Patriots must use every forum and every opportunity to tell the truth about what is really going on.

Some decry posts like 's and even demean the poster personally. But I say Patriots must use every forum and every opportunity to tell the truth about what is really going on. If we allow the “majority of liberals” to carry us down this path, we can kiss our personal freedoms goodbye.

The lies the left espouse of DEI; reparations that are tantamount to extortion; transgender rights that, in truth, exploit instead of help the 1% among us who are confused and hurting; policies that diminish human dignity to the point that infanticide is considered acceptable; policies that kill incentives to produce and contribute to high prices and recession, such as the closing of the Keystone XL Pipeline; promotion of propaganda in our schools that serves to destroy the very foundation of our society, namely, the natural family—this is what Socialism looks like.

We seldom hear or read good news anymore. “If it bleeds, it reads.” This is part of the strategy as well: fill the news feeds with stories of violence, sexual deviance, disasters, and death. Feed the people lies constantly, such as America is racist or sustainability will save us, until the new beliefs become their religion. As with the LGBTQ+ indoctrination, these new religions thrive on faith, not facts.

The fact is that capitalism has created a larger middle class around the world than has ever been seen before. Countries that have tried and ultimately rejected Socialism include Israel, India, and the United Kingdom. In Africa, Botswana and Taiwan have made choices to limit rather than expand the role of government and have experienced great economic advances for their people. Capitalism celebrates individual freedom, diversity, and equality. It has created a better life for billions of people. Its foundation lies in the principles of personal responsibility and achievement, and it is founded upon universal, unchanging truths. Those of us in the “silent majority” cannot afford to be silent anymore. The time is coming where everyone will be required to make a choice.

I choose liberty.

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Leonard Youngblood
2023. jún. 28.

Democrats are desperately demonic. I also believe that you cannot be a Born Again Christian and a Democrat. Never have I witnessed so many people being turned over to a reprobate mind. I pray that America still has favor with Jesus Christ. I also choose Liberty!

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